"...choose This Day whom you will serve..."  - Joshua 24:14 - 15

Pulpit. Radio. Discipleship.


 Turning church attenders into disciples

of Jesus that make disciples of Jesus.

"So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." - Romans 10:17


This Day In The Word is the biblically based radio ministry of This Day Ministries. In a culture that is saturated with religious pluralism and relativism, it is our conviction that wounded and empty hearts are in desperate search of substance and truth to fill the void.  What could possibly bring contentment to the discouraged human heart as we all long for peace in the midst of the struggles and challenges of this life?  Gimmicks?  Games?  No.  The answer is simple and is found in none other than the timeless truths that are written in the pages of the inspired Word of God - The Bible.  Our prayer is that as you tune-in to the This Day In The Word broadcasts, that God would encourage, challenge, and inspire you to live passionately for Him and His glory.

To listen-in or download the MP3 files of the This Day In The Word radio broadcasts, simply click on the desired sermon below: