"...choose This Day whom you will serve..."  - Joshua 24:14 - 15

Pulpit. Radio. Discipleship.


 Turning church attenders into disciples

of Jesus that make disciples of Jesus.


 "Let another man praise you and not your own mouth....." - Proverbs 27:2

 “Dear Pastor Jon,  I love and enjoy your teachings. You know there are many teachers in Nigeria who preach, but your way of teaching is so simple and impressive. I would like to share that you increased my faith through words. Thank you so much for doing such a nice work on radio. May God keep you and protect you.”

- J. (Nigeria) - A This Day in The Word listener

"I’ve been enjoying your preaching!  Good stuff!  What the church needs to hear at this hour!"

 Martha (United States)  - A This Day In The Word Listener


"I am listening to This Day In The Word and my son mostly translating it for me when I do not understand any sentence.  It is not easy for me to listen you every time in a Muslim family, but my son and I listen you secretly.  Thank you so much, please pray for me and my son that may God bless us both to be more strong to understand Jesus' teachings more.  Thank you."

S. (Pakistan) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Jon,  Thank you so much for teaching about Jesus Christ.  He was no one in my life.  But by listening your shows, things changed.  As I listened your message how Jesus had been killed on cross and how He said, Lord Forgive them as they know nothing. He is really not a man He is real God who can do this.  Thank you so much.  How can a Man forgive to those who were beating him, put him on cross.  So I make comparison with others religious leaders including many other prophets, who ordered to kill those who even insulted them.  But Jesus is forgiving them. So I will follow to Him as He is Lord of forgiveness not revenge.

R.A. (Pakistan) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Jon,  You are doing a wonderful job.  Please keep it up.  Remember that we are praying for you in Australia."

Sandy (Australia) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Hello Pastor Jon, I listen to your shows in Iran.  It is not easy in Iran, but technology made it possible.  Learning about Jesus freely and learning more about Bible as God made it possible to listen your shows.

R. (Iran) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Jon,  Fantastic shows, keep it up.  I love to listen to you and your shows are always encouraging."

Paul (UK) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Jon,  Thank you so much for great shows this week.  I just listen today's show and writing you.  I am a Pastor and preaching in the remote areas of the India who are really depressed and poor.  But your lectures really encourage me and I use them in my preaching to overcome on such delusions.  You preach wonderfully according to Bible and I know the God of Bible is God of hope, love and peace.  I love to listen more and will continue to spread the news in India and my other contacts.  God bless you.

Pastor Singh (India) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Jon,  It is really awesome to listen to you in Africa.  I am a Pastor here and taking help from your message to
prepare for my sermons.  It is great to listen.  I am telling others about your show.  Many from my Church listening Radio life and you.  God be with you for your wonderful work for the third world.  God be with you.

Pastor Kebo (Africa) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Jon Couch, Listening to your show is not only blessing, but it is a great help to grow me and my family in Jesus. Thank you so much for your broadcasting on Radio Life. God be with you."

Ken (Australia) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Jon, Thank you so much for your nice programs. I have been listening the radio from few months and never think about such merciful God and the great teacher Jesus Christ. The messages of Brother Jon moved my heart to learn more about Jesus Christ. He teaches me with such love that I feel real love is Jesus and God of Bible. I am a Muslim and have very rigid views, the teachings make a thrill in my heart and I am listening your programs. Today I listen your wonderful program again. Thank you and please keep it up. I will keep listening."

A. (Pakistan) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"I like to let you know that I born in a Muslim Family and I am 67 years old and have 5 sons, 2 daughters and 18 grandsons and daughters. I love to read books but I always studied the Islamic books. I read about Jesus in Quran and Islamic books. It told me that Jesus is a great prophet and beloved to Allah. One day suddenly I listen the Radio Life, I listen someone was teaching about forgiveness. Then some music and then hello I am Jon Couch and I am on your local station. I listen your program about God, then goodness of God. I got more curious to listen you and other shows on Radio life. Now I am regular listener of radio. Today again I listen your show. First time in my life I feel that I should study the Bible and Christians and your books to know more about Jesus. The God you portray in your program is totally different than Allah of Quran. The God of Bible is giving his Son for his people. I want to learn more about Bible and God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Can you help me out.? God bless you."

G. (Pakistan) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Brother Jon, I have been listening to your show on Radio LIFE. You are really awesome teacher and preaching a very right message of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am a Priest in Pakistan and taking help from your messages to prepare my daily sermons. Thank you. Two people from my church are also listening to your program and they told me how God is working in their lives through your program. God bless you and keep you, we are praying for you.

Z. (Pakistan) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"The This Day In The Word show is awesome. Good messages on God's love, His mercy, His kindness. The messages are good source to grow our Faith. Thank you Pastor Jon for such great messages and preaching to souls around the Globe. Please keep it up, God bless you.

Joseph (Nigeria) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Hello Pastor Jon, Thank you so much for your great program on RADIO LIFE and I have been listening the show from end of the February. Let me tell you that I am from a Muslim Family and I always try to be a good Muslim and read Quran and pray five times a day. But I have never heard such wonderful message on Forgiveness in the mosque or our Molvi (religious leader). Your messages open my eyes and filled me with truth. Now I am listening your show daily and I am growing more in Biblical Knowledge from your shows and Radio life. I am discussing these truths to my father, family members and friends. Thank you so much and keep preaching."

G. (Pakistan) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Jon, You teach God's message and it is mostly liked to new believers. I am a Pastor to most of the unreachable people especially Hindus and Sikhs. In the last program, you talked well about God and I am learning new ideas from your teachings to teach more people. God bless you and keep you."

Pastor Samuel (India) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Brother Jon, Thank you so much for your wonderful programs on Radio Life. I am listening your show with my friends and brothers. Your show is awesome and I am learning very new things about Christianity first time. Learning how God gave His son for humanity salvation. I want to learn the plan of salvation."

A. (Pakistan) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"I am so blessed to listen to your programs. You have such powerful grip on the subject and what a good way and easy way to teach. It is spirit filled message and in very good and easy English language. God bless and keep you."

C. (Pakistan) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"I have been listening your programs. What a wonderful way to preach. The programs touched my heart and I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ and I quit all bad habits I had in my life. I left smoking, drinking, and now I am regular listener of your programs. Thank you so much for sharing the Word of God. God bless you for wonderful programs."

K. (Pakistan) - A This Day In The Word Listener

“I am listening to your message ‘And in Whatever You Do Part 1.’  What a great message and what a great way to preach. God has really blessed you a lot and given you a good heart, voice and He put the Word in your mouth."

J. (Pakistan) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Listen to This Day In The Word and Strength For This Day for a powerful message from Jon.  God really uses this guy to get me what I need to hear.”

Tom (United States) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"You can count on hearing from God through This Day Ministries.”

Michael (United States) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Brother Jon gives us an honest, intense analysis of where our Church is today and this message will never be preached in 90% of our Churches.  And the shame of that is that most people in the congregations are at the carnal level of understanding the Gospel.  They may read the Holy Bible on Sunday, but never study the Scriptures throughout the week. Only by studying and understanding God's message can we grow in Jesus Christ and become more like Him."

Hank (United States) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Great sermon and challenge for today's church."

Raymond (Ireland) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"I appreciate your messages because they are Biblically sound."

Cindi (United States) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"God’s message always comes across to me through your program. A true and powerful blessing."

Rupert (London) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Brother Jon, I am a relatively new listener to your broadcast and I am really getting a lot from it."

Lori (United States) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Couch, To allow God to lead me has been a fine experience that I have come to know. Thanks for your Sunday lessons, I have grown from them."

Joyce (United States) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"I started with This Day In The Word about three months ago and I have been so blessed. Knowing and understanding is the key to a great relationship with the Lord."

Pam (United States) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"I enjoyed your message this morning Pastor Couch.  You always lead me the right way. "

Martha (United States) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Couch, I love your broadcast and my mom always listens with me. We are blessed in this."

Teressa (United States) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Couch, Bless you in the ministry of helping people know God."

Kim - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Couch, The devil has tried to choke the spiritual life out of me, but I have fought him off and I wanted to tell you that I have found such strength in your teaching."

Joy - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Couch, I receive you in Scotland on my GlobaSat unit. My family and I have the chance to hear you and enjoy your ministry. Bless you."

Alexander - A This Day In The Word Listener

"I came across This Day In The Word on the TuneIn Radio app and I wanted to tell you that it is a blessing. Keep up the very good work ."

Allison - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Your blessed program is a staple in my life and I always enjoy your lessons of our faith."

Mary - A This Day In The Word Listener

"If people would just come to their senses, they could easily see how much sense it all makes. That Christ has died for their sins and that act made eternal salvation available to them. I know that is so important and yet others live in denial. Your broadcast is a resource to help the lost in this journey of life."

Jerry - A This Day In The Word Listener

"I get you on my iPhone and the quality is like you are in the same room. I like being able to listn to you wherever I am. It is a fine program and I am a regular fan."

Yolanda - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Couch, When we face problems, we must listen to the wisdom of God and follow his path. Knowing Him and listening to the Gospel that you are preaching is a guiding force in my life even amid all the problems I am facing today. Bless you."

Lisa - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Jon, I have enjoyed hearing your program for a long time and I regret that it has taken such time for me to write you. I want to say hi and to say thanks for the teaching you do. I always enjoy the broadcast."

Janie - A This Day In The Word Listener

"I know that God is in your ministry and I can tell that every time I am listening."

Claire - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Couch, My son has us hooked on TuneIn radio and this channel has good reception with it. We really enjoy your program."

John - A This Day In The Word Listener

"I was especially blessed by the latest message. It is good to have you there proclaiming the Lord's Word in these days when fellowship is hard to find.

Anne - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Couch, I get so down some times because I am alone without a family. It can be depressing. I have solace only in knowing that God is with me. Hearing you this morning brought me out of the blues and into rejoicing in the Lord’s Word. Praising His Holy Name."

Holly - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Reverend Couch, A person’s behavior needs to match what they believe. We cannot be Christians in name only. We have to demonstrate the ways of our Lord in all we do. He expects this of us. You have lifted me, encouraged me and given me hope through Jesus Christ. Everyone should have that. "

Donna - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Jon, Studying God makes be whole because with Him there was a terrible void in my life. I had to get to my lowest point and then when I looked up, after everyone else had deserted me, God was there looking down on me and extending a hand to me. He will not forsake us! I enjoying hearing you and the TRUTH of God’s word."

Melinda - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Brother Jon, He is the potter. You and I are the clay. That is such a perfect illustration of our relationship with God. I try to keep it in mind and put my life in the potter’s hands. Thanks for your program and the assistance it gives me."

Adell - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Beloved Jon Couch, Great sermon. Our love and prayers are with you and all of the church in America. Please give our greetings to all in the wonderful name of King Jesus."

Pastor Vincent - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Couch, God has the answers to every question that we have. I have found courage in your teaching to turn my life over to Christ."

Delane - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Couch, I have walked through the wilderness of this life and I have had to ask God to lift me up and He has never failed. Your ministry glorifies our heavenly Father as He carries us as if “on wings of eagles”.

Eve - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Jon, I pray God’s blessings on your church and on this radio mission. My heart is blessed through it."

Jean - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Bless you Pastor Couch. I have had to make some difficult decisions in mylife recently, but I have been able to face them in confidence because I know that Jesus is with me. Your broadcast has been such good help in feeling adequate in the eyes of God. In Christ Jesus,"

Peggy - A This Day In The Word Listener

"This is a great discovery for me. I am enjoying the ministering and am learning. Now that is what it is about."

Alica (Nassau) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Couch, I am focused more seriously since I have listened to you. God’s working in my life. I know it and I want to live like He wants me to. Your encouragement is appreciated."

Peter (Canada) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"I am getting with the Lord’s program. It’s the only way I was going to get out of my back-sliding ways. Thanks to you I am learning and developing a real relationship with God for the first time in my life."

Rose - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Listening to you on radio has given me a determination to do a better job of really knowing what the Bible says and it is giving me a better and stronger connection with God. Thank you for all you are doing."

Beth - A This Day In The Word Listener

"My Aunt introduced me to this station about a month ago and I have enjoyed it a lot. Your program is a bright and an outstanding one. I am blessed through your mission."

Carol - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Couch, The older I get the more it seems that time is flying by and I know that I will be with my Savior.
That is something I am confident in. I am glad that you are reaching the lost because there are many of them and we must all do what we can to help. Bless you as you reach them."

Pat - A This Day In The Word Listener

"I was self conscious and felt unworthy of God’s grace. Then I realized that God feels that I am worthy. Now I am making progress in my Christian growth. Part of that growth is in hearing the things that you are teaching.
Bless you Pastor Jon."

Wilma (Canada) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"I am listening to you this morning and I want you to know that your broadcast has been an encouragement to me. Bless you."

Marie - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Couch, I didn’t really know who I was until I found Jesus because I was just stumbling about.
He gave me the direction that I need. Now I listen to you and study my Bible and I have a clear path finally. "

Faye (Irlenad) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"I just listened to one of your sermons, "The Bewitched American Church." I had to write you and tell you thank you for being obedient and speaking the truth boldly. I was amazed when I heard that message because you literally said, verbatim what I think about all the time. Hurting people need something real, something that has the power to set them free. They need the genuine, FULL truth of the Gospel. I live in Shreveport Louisiana and deception is rampant within the church here. Sometimes I wonder if preachers even read the bible. It breaks my heart, and upsets me to see the Word of God so defamed. I want to bring God glory and your message was encouraging when I needed it. Thanks for standing up for the truth."

Taylor - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Your sermon, 'The Bewitched American Church,' needs to circulate around the United States. I've been praying and seeking God's face asking that He would give me strength, wisdom, and understanding of Himself and He has put in me a deep desire to pray and read His words daily. Love you pastor. Your brother in the Lord."

Tommie - A This Day In The Word Listener

"God has called us all to serve Him. I love your ministry and the way you are speaking out for what God has taught and wants us to know."

Bernard - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Couch, I have listened to you for about a month and I am growing in the spirit all the time these days. I am hungry to know more of the word and I admire your teaching. I am going to your website and for some more of your programs too. In Christ’s way."

Marcus - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Couch, This is the first time I am listening to your broadcast and I do love what you are preaching. I am getting you loud and clear...I am a new born christian and want to follow the Lord teaching, please pray for me."

Dana - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Days, minutes, hours….they are flying by in this life. The Lord alone knows the numberof our days. I listen to you every week and the Word as you teach has deep significance in my life. The only life that matters isthe eternal life we will have with God in heaven. Praise the Lord!"

Mabel (Bahamas) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Brother Jon, I have only received your broadcast for a few months, but your message is always very interesting and helps me grow. It is important to me that I not live in a vacuum…..that I hear what good teachers have to say about the scripture. You have an excellent broadcast and it is helping me along my way with God."

Jane - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Couch, PTL!!!!!! God bless you in this very thorough and thought-full program. I am enjoying your work for the Lord Jesus."

Corine - A This Day In The Word Listener

"I really appreciate the preaching of the truth of the Gospel. It is right on target to not be man-pleasing. I pray that God will bless you and that the lost will be turned to Christ."

Anthony (Germany) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Reverend Couch, I want to report that I am now getting good receprtion of your broadcast on the UnoRed. I am always blessed in your ministering and I pray that God will continue to pour out His anointing on your ministry affording you to impact tremendously in the lives of persons across the world."

Wallace - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Jon, We are very much blessed with your sermons from God's mouth. God bless you. God's grace to you all the time."

Vincent (Kenya) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Brother Jon, There is such darkness around, but the Lord offers us the light and I am glad that you want to help people find the light. Bless you."

Jillian - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Jon, I am not going to lose out in the war with the devil. Listening to you I prepare myself every week for the things the devil may pull in the week to come. I want to be prepared with the full armor of God and it is found in his Word alone."

Felicia (Grand Cayman) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Minister Couch, Your program has been on my routine for months and it is a good blessing in my Christian life."

Beverly - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor, Greetings from Pakistan. This is Fouzia Iqbal from Pakistan. I am feeling so blessed and encouraged to share with you my thoughts about your Godly work. After visiting your website I could not stop myself to think about your ministry and your way of work with the people of God."

Fouzia (Pakistan) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Your brief synopsis of This Day Ministries is soooo right on. Deception is all around us and the "big dark knights" are performing their dirtiest work behind the stained glass of the churches and some mikes of the "Christian media." The Word is all powerful. It cuts and divides right from wrong, light from dark, and truth from error. Keep "sticking" to the Word. All we must do is "lift it (Him) up." God bless you and prosper you!"

Gary - A This Day In The Word Listener

"I haven’t listened to you long, but your program is now part of my Sunday. I appreciate your ministry.

Pat - A This Day In The Word Listener

"The love of the Lord endures forever. Imagine...we have His love for eternity. What a loving and generous God we have. It is good to know that This Day Ministries is helping to spread this marvelous news."

Mary (Canada) - A This Day In The Word Listener

"The strong word of the Lord has changed the whole direction of my life and it is the greatest possible in this earthly life. We listen to you before church and it starts the day off right."

Vanessa - A This Day In The Word Listener

"This is good. I am glad I found your program and I will keep listening. Thank you."

Collin - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Couch, We listen to this station a lot, but we had not heard you until today and I just want to say hello and how much we like your program. Blessings in your work for God."

Agnes and Preston - This Day In The Word Listeners

"Dear Brother Jon, I try to read a devotional every day and I am glad that in my quiet time on Sunday I have a chance to listen to you and to study and pray with you. The great news of God is always a blessing to hear."

Maura - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus. Your broadcast is the prescription I need for my soul. This is quite a blessing. I have also gotten my husband to listen and that took some work. God be with you always in this work!"

Ellen - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Brother Jon, I require a certain comfort in knowing my Lord and His Word. You help me to do that that. I appreciate it. You have a good program."

Flor - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Brother Jon, I get into the word and I get into His presence when I listen to you. Praise Him and the power that lies in His word as you teach it."

Lydia - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Brother Couch, I have listened to you for I guess 3 months. Your messages are direct to the point and I appreciate that. There is too much junk and new age talk in many radio programs today. You are a blessing on my heart and my spirit is lifted in your teaching."

Vonda - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Dear Pastor Couch, We don’t know how soon Jesus may be coming back. We must be ready to go at any minute. Thanks for your good program."

Tina - A This Day In The Word Listener

"Pastor Jon, Keep those radio programs coming. They are a blessing to our listeners."

Jerry - KDKR Radio